domingo, 9 de novembro de 2014

Is the New World Order Extreme Socialism or Totalitarian Capitalism?

By Grant J. Kidney /

I give a little chuckle each time I hear one label the New World Order a push toward world socialism- if only such were the case.

The New World Order is a dangerous conclave of far right mad men who wish to see but two classes of people in the world - the haves and the have-nots. Theirs is a game to instate neo-feudalism, and with so many countries now going bankrupt and most of the world’s wealth being funneled straight to the top of the artificial pyramid, how can this reality be ignored?

Is Obama really a socialist?

Many New World Order conspiracy theorists say that Barack Obama is a damned socialist working overtime to turn the United States into a damned socialist country. Obama is labeled a ‘Robin Hood’ sort of figure, one who steals from the rich and who gives to the poor.

But ask yourself- when was the last time you got a check in the mail from the federal government with funds having been stolen from Goldman Sachs or Bank of America?

The truth is that Obama is a reverse Robin Hood who is working to plunge the United States into economic armageddon. He is an austerity king here to do the job that the big banks are performing all over the world - looting treasuries, cutting pensions, cutting safety nets- essentially ransacking all that has been called civilization for the past century.

In Europe, folks aren’t rioting because their ‘damned’ socialist governments are becoming more socialist! Nay, folks are up in arms in places such as Greece and in Spain because of the imposition of extreme, right-wing austerity measures that are curtailing all of the economic rights once labeled a cornerstone in many European societies.

The far right manipulators: distorting truth for gain

So where does this, ‘the world is becoming more socialist by the day’ sentiment come from? Answer, the far right.

Not only has the far right succeeding in calling the New World Order a socialist plot, but they’ve also spawned such institutions like that of the Tea Party in the United States to fight tooth and nail for less and less taxes upon the greedy, ultra-wealthy sons of bitches who’ve elevated themselves to the level of ‘god-kings’ over all the Earth.

The elite controllers of the planet want to rule over a bunch of poor serfs- its as simple as that. And how does this happen? Easy- take away the economic rights of the people- roll back civilization a hundred or so years and claim such genocidal cuts to the budget are ‘healthy’ all the whilst not once touching defense or military spending.

The elite might also want to carve up such places like that of the U.S. into tiny micro-states thereby keeping us divided and hence much easier to conquer. And wouldn’t you know- the far right is also demanding secession along with less and less taxes upon the titans of finance capital.

The socialist New World Order argument just falls to pieces when one takes a good, hard look at what’s actually happening in the world. The middle class has been vanquished. The rich have gotten richer. And if one seriously believes those at the bottom of the totem pole- in other words, the welfare people- are living the ‘high life’ all thanks to the ‘socialism’ that Obama has created in this country, one is seriously mistaken.

How does working at McDonalds and receiving a handful of food stamps each month equate to Donald Trump style living?

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